The U.H.P.C. Family
~ Organizations affiliated with U.H.P.C. ~
. Trabajamos Community Head Start: Monday - Friday.... 8 am - 6 pm
. Aqueduct Homeowners: 3rd Saturday.....................10 am -12 pm
. Friends of Aqueduct Walk: 1st Thursday........................6 pm - 8 pm
SESSIONS MEETINGS....................Moderator Rev. Lonnie Bryant..12:30 pm
Liason. Rev. Glen Misick
January 26th, 2025. Congregational Meeting...Feb. 2nd, 2025
April 6th_, 2025 June . 1st, 2025
August 3rd, 2025 October 5th, 2025
December 7th, 2025
- ~ELDERS~ ~ Board of Trustee ~ ~DEACONS~
Kwaku Boateng Emmanuel Ashiagbor
Dionne Brown Sandra Boapeah
Renea Bush Rose Blake
Ena Harrysingh-Financial Secretary Cora Jones
Latrina Keith Kwabena Odame-Chair
Norma McKayle-Asst. Clerk Stella Odame
Rebecca Nyamah Henry Owusu
Linda Simms-Chin-Clerk of Session Beverly Puko
Donald Tingle-Treasurer Eunice Wellington
1.Lower risk of heart disease-H & C helps reduce
Cholesterol when included in meals
2. Boost Immunity-A teaspoon of honey with lemon in hot
water flushes out your system 3. Treats Skin infections- Minor infections can be treated
with a honey cinnamon paste
4. Helps strength joints- A mixture of H & C is an anti-
inflammatory and reduces pain.
5. Good for Diabetes- a mixture of H&C can reduce
glucose levels.
6. Treats Bladder infections- a teaspoon of cinnamon with a half teaspoon of honey destroys bacteria in
urinary bladder
7. Helps stomach disorders- drinking h & c with water receives Stomach gas and keep the gut clear.
8. Gets rid of Bad Breath - Gargling with H&C in warm
water heals gum and clears infections,
leading to bad breath.
9. Energy Booster - 1/2 teaspoon of H & 1/4 Teaspoon C
in warm water will help the body stay energized
and alert
10. Used against allergies - 1 lukewarm Teaspoon of H with
1/4 teaspoon of C will relieve the cough
11. Cures throat problems - 2-3 Cinnamon sticks in boiling
water with 1 teaspoon of honey is an anti-
12. Treats Colds and Coughs - at bedtime take a 1/2
teaspoon of C & 1 Teaspoon of Honey to relieve
cough and cold about 3 days.
HEALTHIER BODY..........Make a CHANGE in your life !
Get rid of: stress, smoking, high
blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high
cholesterol, unhealthy diet..............
6- Peeled lemons & 30 Cloves of Garlic(3Bulbs)
BLEND with a little water and sweetener
ADD to a gallon of water and simmer for 7 mins.
STRAIN and allow to cool
STORE in glass jars ( no plastic)
DRINK ......8-12 oz. daily for 3 weeks
STOP for 1 week and repeat.
This will unclog your arteries and add to a longer life !!!
ZELLE to UHPC at 917-364-2833.